8 Reasons Why LED Lighting Beats Flourescent Lighting

We speak to so many businesses (and homeowners) that are still using fluorescent tube lights – it drives us crazy! If that’s you, I hope this article will convince you otherwise.

We’ll be covering 8 key reasons why you should switch out those filament tube lights with LED tubes or LED gear trays.

Defining LED & Flourescent Lighting

Before we compare, it’s important to understand the basics. Here’s a quick breakdown of both light types so we’re on the same page.

LED Lighting (Light Emitting Diode) is a highly energy-efficient lighting technology.

LED Light Being Held in Hand

LEDs use significantly less power than traditional lighting options, such as incandescent and fluorescent lights, making them cost-effective and eco-friendly.

They have a long lifespan, often exceeding 25,000 hours, and provide excellent light quality with various color temperatures. LEDs offer instant illumination without warm-up time and are highly durable, resisting shocks and vibrations. Additionally, they do not contain hazardous materials like mercury, making them safer for both users and the environment.

Fluorescent Lighting uses a different technology that involves gas-discharge to produce light.

Hand holding a flourescent light

Although more energy-efficient than incandescent bulbs, fluorescent lights consume more power than LEDs. They typically last around 10,000 hours, vs 25,000 hours for LEDs.

Fluorescent lights can sometimes produce flickering and are sensitive to temperature changes, affecting their performance and longevity. They contain small amounts of mercury, which necessitates careful disposal to avoid environmental contamination. The light quality can be harsh and less appealing compared to the warm and varied options provided by LEDs.

Why You Should Choose LED over Flourescent Lights

1. Energy Efficiency

One of the biggest reasons to choose any LED light is its energy efficiency. LED lights use much less electricity than fluorescent lights. This means you can save money on your electric bill.

For example, an LED light might use only 10 watts of power, while a fluorescent light with the same brightness might use 20 watts. Using less energy is not only good for your wallet, but it’s also good for the planet.

2. Long Lifespan

LED lights last a very, very long time. A typical LED light can last up to 25,000 hours or more. Fluorescent lights usually last about 10,000 hours. So not only are you buying 2.5 times more often, you’re having to do the work of replacing them! With LED, even if running 24 hours in a warehouse it’ll take years before you need to replace them.

3. Better Light Quality

LED lights provide better light quality than fluorescent lights. We sell LED lights in different colors and brightness levels, so you can choose the perfect light for any room. LED lights can give off a warm, cozy glow or a bright, white light. Fluorescent lights often have a harsh, flickering light that can be hard on your eyes.

4. Instant Light

When you turn on an LED light, it lights up instantly. Fluorescent lights can take a few seconds to reach full brightness, especially when they are cold. This can be annoying if you need bright light right away, and it feels a little less professional for any customers or guests. With LED lights, you get full brightness as soon as you flip the switch.

5. Durability

LED lights are very durable. They are made of sturdy materials and can withstand bumps and drops better than fluorescent lights. Fluorescent lights are more fragile and can break easily if you drop them or bump them too hard. This makes LED lights a better choice for places where lights might get knocked around, like workshops or playrooms.

6. Environmentally Friendly

LED lights are the best option for the environment, full stop.

They use less energy, which means less pollution from power plants. They also last longer, so there is less waste. Fluorescent lights contain small amounts of mercury, which can be harmful to the environment if not disposed of properly. LED lights do not contain mercury, making them a safer choice for the environment.

7. No Flickering

Fluorescent lights can flicker, which can be annoying and even cause headaches for some people. LED lights do not flicker. They provide a steady, constant light that is easy on your eyes. This makes them a great choice for places where you spend a lot of time, like your home or office.

8. Versatility

LED lights are very versatile. They come in many shapes and sizes, including LED strip lights which can be placed almost anywhere. These are flexible and give a softer, more inviting option than strong bright ceiling lights. Fluorescent lights are usually limited to tubes and bulbs, which are not as flexible or and can’t be installed in nearly as many ways.

Switch to LED Today!

If you’re reading this as someone with fluorescent lights, please do consider making the switch! We offer many alternatives to replace old lights, each with 5-year warranties (though they will last much longer).

If you still aren’t sure, get in touch with us and we can reassure you that LED is the way forward. Thanks for reading.